The series called “How Computers Work” will show Gates explaining the role of operating system in computing, inner workings of modern computers and process of the course. The six-part series by Gates is basically targeted at kids to get them interested in the computer field. “Whether you use a PC, a smartphone, a wearable device, a connected home appliance, or a self-driving car, the same principles explain how all these computing devices function,” Gates said in a statement announcing the series. “Everywhere you look, computers are changing the world. Whether they’re on our desktops, in our homes, our pockets, or just about anywhere else. But while most of us use this revolutionary daily, we don’t often ask: How do computers work?” The different areas of topics in the total of six videos, each 5-6 minutes long are:

Introducing How Computers Work What Makes A computer, A Computer? Binary & data Circuits and logic CPU, Memory, Input, & Output Hardware and Software

“Whether you’re just curious about the devices you use every day or you want to design the innovations of the future, the first step is learning how computers work,” Gates says in concluding the introduction. “In the 21st century, these computer science ideas are part of digital literacy that every student and adult can benefit from.” You can watch the full playlist of videos for free here on YouTube. Source: onmsft,