5 Ways To Enhance Your Programming Interview Skills1. Learn how to implement linked lists, doubly linked lists, binary search trees, tries, heaps, and hash trees. Learn the fundamental data structures.2. Learn class design and fundamental data organization. Be able to design data structures and classes to work as nodes in trees and tries; to summarize details about people, including addresses and phone numbers; to exhibit polymorphism and subclassing, such as ‘shape’ specific to ’2d’ and ’3d’ and further dedicated to various kinds of shapes, with overridable functions to implement width, height, area, and so on. Learn about the dissimilarity between classes and interfaces. Learn about polymorphism of both intrinsic and structured data types.3. Learn important algorithms and techniques: Sort, selection, recursion, iteration, and mapping between recursion and iteration for resolving common problems.4. Implement all of the structures, classes, and algorithms mentioned above from beginning. Then, learn any intrinsic functions which support them by heart.5. Get a good book like Cormen’s Introduction to Algorithms. Read the sections applicable to the knowledge mentioned above. Try some of the problems in each section. They are difficult and time consuming, but they are great to practice.

The challenge to get selected for a job is sometimes due to interview skills or sometimes due to technical skills. For instance, juniors are expected to level a binary tree into a linked list, if they have completed their CS courses early or on-time. If you are unable to complete this, then it indicates that it would be better to use your time to enhance your design, programming, and algorithm skills. Also, it may be very hard for you to be successful at a major tech company if you are hired, if you are unable to solve problems like this by the time you are an intern or employee. Hence, it is recommended that you study essential computer science concepts and practice doing programs for a few hundred hours. If you are able to program for four hours a day for six days a week, it will reap results for you all your life. To end with, write some programs from the start and print it out as an ASCII 2D array. Further, don’t give up if you like programming and computer science. Rehearse, learn, and elevate your game! Source: Forbes