Google said in the blog post that the new Google Contacts comes with a fresh look which will help you to keep track of the people you know, Circles from Google+ or the people you mail/talk to in Gmail. Its not only the looks, Google is also working on to bring new improved features that will make it easier for the users to use Google Contacts. So today we’re releasing a preview of the new Google Contacts that makes it easier to keep track of the people you know and get the info you need, fast. The new Google Contacts comes with a fresh look and feel, and conveniently pools together all your contacts, circles, and the people you talk to most in Gmail. Some of The features in the new and refreshed Google Contacts are,

Easily get rid of duplicates Keep your contacts up to date automatically See your recent emails & meetings

The preview is rolling out now, but you can bypass that process by heading to directly, if you are a Google Apps customers, then you’ll still have to wait for next few weeks before this updates becomes available to you. While Google has always been updating its services like Gmail, Maps, Hangouts, it had neglected Google Contacts, now it seems like Google is working on  those it forget to update.