“We’re aware of the issue and are in contact with Xiaomi to work on a fix,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement. “In the meantime, we’re disabling Xiaomi integrations on our devices.” According to Android Police, the move will affect all Mi Home integrations and commands for the Assistant. The issue came to light after a Reddit user ‘Dio-V’ tried to stream content from his newly purchased Xiaomi Mijia 1080p Smart IP Security Camera to a Google Nest Hub. Instead of showing his live security feed, the camera was showing eerie black and white still images from random strangers’ homes, potentially representing a major security vulnerability. The images streamed included those of a porch, a person sleeping in a chair, and a baby in a crib. Dio-V also shared a video on Reddit and said the images showing on his Nest Hub were likely from a different time zone than his own (Netherlands).

Xiaomi has not yet commented on the matter at this time. In case, you are using a Xiaomi camera, it is advisable to turn it off and unlink it from your Wi-Fi network, smart home systems, and Nest devices until Xiaomi rolls out a fix.