Angry over killing his online character in Grand Theft Auto, a gamer drives 50 miles and threatens to kill his brotherThe two brothers had been playing the crime game when one of the brothers killed the other’s character

A gamer was forced to call police after his brother turned up with a baseball bat at his house and threatened to murder him because he had killed his Grand Theft Auto character. The gamer who is a father of two said that his older brother began sending him death threats after his online character was killed. The older brother sent around 50 text messages and all of them threatening to kill him.’I’m going to kill you’ and ‘I’m going to make your kids and wife watch while you’re being killed, I’m going to kill your kids in front of your wife and when she’s crying I’m going to shoot her,’ said the victim, who did not wished to be named. Not satisfied with the text threats, the older brother who is in his thirties, drove all the way from Okehampton in Devon drove 50 miles to his younger brother’s Plymouth house in the Whitleigh area of Plymouth, and began screaming threats through his letterbox. The younger brother was not home at that time but their father who was at home informed him that his older brother had come with a baseball bat and threatened to kill him. The incident was reported to the police by the younger brother and police are investigating the matter. A police spokesman told 90 minutes that,  “Officers learned it was because one of the men had killed the other’s character. They were not children – these were adults.”