The 41 year old is now taking legal action on for making the video public. The video has gone viral and is presently being shared on file sharing networks and torrents. Mirror reported that the video contains Natasha Koroleva performing a number of sex acts with her husband, a former male stripper whose stage name is Tarzan, and a toy. Meanwhile the matters have quickly escalated as Koroleva has been honored by prestigious Artist of Russia by President Putin. Many MPs have called on President Putin to revoke the honor bestowed upon her considering the nature of the video. “An Honored Artist has the right to have a drink or take a walk with friends, but to record a video — no!” claimed Russian Member of Parliament Vitaliy Milonov. “Anyone who works with children, should be an example for them. And the fact that the artist allows herself to do the things on these videos that everyone can see on the Internet is ugly and immoral.” Some reports indicate that hacking could have been done by come faction involved in the Ukrainian crisis because Ukraine born Koroleva supports Russian action in the war torn country, while others hold it as a malicious prank done to harm the artist’s reputation. According to a report in Britain’s Daily Mirror, Koroleva is filing legal action against the online magazine which has posted the video and still images on its website. Koroleva said that the website was in  “a gross breach of my privacy,” and wants the website to take down the explicit images. She has also demanded monetary compensation. “I have nothing to be ashamed of,” Koroleva has protested. “This should be a criminal case. When someone is violating my rights in such a way, I go to court.”