Nowadays, the majority of employment applications, social interactions, and business transactions are conducted online. This represents a paradigm shift in the way humans are interacting with their environment. With greater comfort and convenience comes increased online risks. The only way to safeguard against growing Internet threats is vigilance. Leading banks and financial institutions are deeply invested in beefing up online security since it is in their best interests to prevent large-scale losses through cybercrime. Effective Ways to Browse the Internet Among the many effective ways to protect against cybercrime are vigilance, secure networks, and password protection. Whenever you are on the Internet, your PC, personal information, and financial information are at risk. Fortunately, password-protected websites and encryption technology (SSL encryption) can go a long way towards enhancing your overall security. People are generally a little cautious when it comes to making credit card applications online, for fear that their Social Security numbers, address and account information can be intercepted. Of course, there is always a level of risk involved in all online activity. The best way to guard against this is using secure browsing protocols. For example, the standard format of HTTP://should be disregarded, in favor of HTTPS://. The latter option offers secure browsing, which although not ironclad is certainly a step in the right direction. Public Wi-Fi and other free Internet options are inherently unsafe. If you are using public Wi-Fi, it is always a good idea to use a Virtual Private Network, and then only to visit secure sites. How to Securely Make Applications Online If you’re making an application for a line of credit such as loan applications for businesses, personal loans, or simple credit cards, it is important that this is done safely. Most platforms that offer credit lines have highly encrypted protocols in place at all times to ensure that the integrity of your information is safe from prying eyes. When you’re looking for the lowest rates on business lines of credit, qualification criteria and the application process, it’s always good to go with a reputable provider of the services. There are many credit aggregation services available on the market, and not simply mainstream options like banks and financial institutions. It’s important to evaluate the security of the application process, based on the information that they provide to clients. If it seems lacking in detail, without an effective customer support operation in place, it may not be your best bet. TrustPilot reviews are a great source for credibility and authenticity and certainly bode well for a safe browsing experience. Additionally, it’s imperative that all PCs, smartphones, tablets, and phablets are kept up-to-date with the latest security updates, software and apps. It’s always a good idea to routinely check your credit card statements, bank statements, the status of loan applications, and credit reports for any changes. This is the best way to guard against nasty surprises which may indicate that your personal information has been hacked. Antivirus software is not a luxury exclusive to those involved in e-commerce or online trading – it is a necessity for anyone who has a personal computer, laptop, tablet or other devices. Anti-malware software must be installed, updated and upgraded as often as required. Keeping Passwords and Information as Safe As Possible Perhaps the area where most people are lackadaisical is passwords. Effective password protection is the Achilles’ heel of far too many people. It is imperative never to share account passwords with anyone since that automatically acts as a weak link in the chain. On the topic of passwords, random long string passwords with alphanumeric characters are preferred to stock passwords. The most commonly used passwords are also the most hacked passwords, such as 123456. Security experts advise that the best form of password protection is one where numerals replace letters and vice versa. Another useful tip that banks, nonbanks and financial institutions recommend is the safe storage of credit cards, bank cards, pin numbers, and smartphones. It is always preferable to use 2-factor authentication and security protocols such as pin numbers sent to your smart phone, or verification sent via email to validate any online transaction.