Signature Systems Inc. is the point-of-sale vendor which provided point-of-sales logistics and gateways to Jimmy John’s and another 100 independent restaurants across United States.  The breach which looks massive from prima facie investigations may have jeopardized credit card numbers of the customers of these eateries. After the Jimmy John breach, Signature Systems released another statement about other breaches which had occurred over past 24 hours.  The latest statement contains names of nearly 100 other small eateries and pizza shops. “We have determined that an unauthorized person gained access to a user name and password that Signature Systems used to remotely access POS systems,” the company said in the statement. “The unauthorized person used that access to install malware designed to capture payment card data from cards that were swiped through terminals in certain restaurants. The malware was capable of capturing the cardholder’s name, card number, expiration date, and verification code from the magnetic stripe of the card.” Law enforcement agencies are investigating the breach and the exact number of customers affected by this breach will be known once the investigation report is released. If you have dined or order food from the restaurants listed by Signature Systems in their statement, you are advised monitor your card spend to observe any unnecessary debits.