Indian CERT-In, the computer emergency response team is investigating into the hacking but it looks like the hackers used some Drupal vulnerability to hack into the website. It may be noted that Pakistan-based hackers are always on the lookout for hacking targets across the border to score brownie points in the virtual cyber war with their Indian counterparts. Last month, Pakistan-affiliated hackers had hacked the official website of the elite National Security Guard (NSG) and defaced it with a profanity-laden message against the Prime Minister and anti-India content. Most Indian government websites, managed by NIC are hosted using Drupal CMS which is prone to several hacks over the years. The hacking of MHA website seems to spur the opposition parties in India who are questioning Prime Minister Modi’s digital push to bring a billion Indian’s on to a pan India digital platform. While the hacking may or may not be the work of a Pakistani hacker, using it to blame Indian government’s Digital India program seems to be taking it to far.