Everything went according to plan for Michael Bank, and he even got a “yes” from his significant other, but what happened next could have easily given his marriage a completely new direction. On his way back home, Bank decided to take a different and steeper path, so it didn’t take long until he became stranded on a ledge, according to a report by LA Times. Bank used the same iPhone that he used to propose to his girlfriend, to alert the emergency teams. The rather breezy rescue attempt ended when he was saved by a California Highway Patrol helicopter shortly. Rescue crews with the California Highway Patrol used a helicopter to hoist the man off the cliff, battling strong winds. “[The man] had a few scratches and bruises but was otherwise unharmed,” Morro Bay Fire Chief Steve Knuckles said. Morro Rock is off the Pacific Coast of California, between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It’s illegal to climb the rock but visitors can explore its base. That is not the end of the story for Bank. After being saved with a helicopter and transported to the local police station, he actually ended up in jail. Not because he didn’t have the money to pay for the helicopter, because, yes, he had to pay for the helicopter, but because he was drunk. Well, kind of. Knuckles stated that many witnesses reported that Bank was acting strangely. After investigations, the police arrested him on suspicion of possessing methamphetamine, the drug that most likely brought him the idea of climbing a mountain to propose. Either way, he’s expected to get a fine because climbing the mountain is banned. Additionally he will be billed for the rescue and Knuckles said it will cost in the thousands of dollars. So one can say this is a marriage proposal that went horribly wrong for Bank.