Previously Yu Televentures had code named their new smartphone, a sequel of Yureka, as Project Caesar. However, last month Yu confirmed that its next smartphone with Cyanogen OS would be named as Yu Yuphoria. It seems Yu had actually run a campaign known as “#YUNameIt” through its social platform and there was an enormous response of  1,00,000 entries and finally the Yu baptized it next Cyanogen smartphone as Yu Yuphoria. The Micromax-Yu collaboration seems to be creating an extraordinary hype just a few days before the actual launch of their smartphone by releasing a  teaser video which seems to be somewhat unbelievable! On Thursday, Rahul Sharma, who is the co founder of Micromax, shared a teaser video of its new smartphone Yu Yuphoria on Twitter. He further tweeted: “Your excitement is really contagious and inspiring”.

— Rahul Sharma (@rahulsharma) May 7, 2015 The teaser video was a 35 seconds YouTube video and it actually shows that Yu Yuphoria gets accidentally dropped when a colleague is trying to get a selfie of his co worker who is sleeping during office hours. The video further shows that Yu Yuphoria survives the fall and is still intact however further the teaser also shows that the tile on which Yu Yuphoria landed has been broken due to the smartphone’s impact!! The teaser hints that probably the smartphone might be sporting a strong metallic body, the entire video has been shot by some smartphone. Tuesday we will definitely get to know the details of the Yu Yuphoria. Of late the domestic smartphone manufacturer has been teasing its upcoming smartphone and it has already confirmed that Yu Yuphoria will run on the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop. The teaser video also revealed that Yu Yuphoria might be a bit thicker when compared to Yureka and also could be more sturdy and heavy. It seems that this new smartphone would support 4G LTE and might have 64 bit chipset. However, for more details on specs we need to wait till May 12th . Yu Televenture has exclusive rights to release the Cyanogen OS smartphone in India as it has partnered with Cyanogen last year and hence it is able to offer customized user experience to the users of Yureka, the first Cyanogen OS smartphone. For Yu Yuphoria, Micromax-Yu collaboration has adopted online sale strategy to compete with its rival brands such as Motorola, Xiaomi  to name a few. Update: Micromax Yu Yuphoria has ‘hair raising’ Surround-Sound Stereo speakers as per its latest teaser video Update: Micromax Yu Yuphoria launched with Cyanogen OS 12 and Snapdragon 410 at Rs. 6,999