It so happened when Michael Leworthy from Microsoft’s Azure Migration Team was giving a presentation on how to migrate apps and data to Microsoft’s Azure to his clients , his Edge browser hit a snag and froze. Leworthy was left with no choice but to opt for another browser, which is in this case was Google Chrome, to save his live presentation. The presentation has been uploaded to YouTube that unfolds the turn of events leading to the embarrassing cum comical moment. “I love it when demos break. So while we’re talking here, I am going to install Chrome,” he says before opening Bing to search and install Chrome. After saying this, he starts laughing who is then received by the audience with giggles and applause. He then goes and deselects the option “Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google” box before installing the Chrome browser. “And we are not going to help make Google better,” he jokes about his blunder. “We’re going to do this again, I’m sorry about this. The age of these machines are [sic] wacked down a little bit, there are some things that just don’t work,” he adds. It was worth noting that Leworthy handled the situation with composure and wit and went on to complete the presentation. To know actually what happened, check out the video below (around the 37:10 mark).