The Windows 10 files that are available on the $windows.~BT has a folder size that is approximately 6GB. While there are reports that Windows 10 is being downloaded for some users, there are no reports on any installation just yet. This move by is not surprising though. When Windows 10 launches tomorrow, many of the users would start downloading the OS, which in turn would put huge load on Microsoft’s servers. In order to avoid this scenario, Microsoft is downloading it ahead of the release. In other words, it means that if your PC has the $windows.~BT folder, Windows will simply install the OS tomorrow. However, it is worth keeping in mind that one should not try to open the setup.exe, as it would result in all the files on that folder to get removed. Windows 10 is coming to PCs and tablets first, but it’s also designed to run phones, game consoles and even holographic headsets. It has new features, a streamlined Web browser called Edge and a desktop version of Cortana, the online assistant that is Microsoft’s answer to Google Now and Apple’s Siri. The company is also offering Windows 10 as a free download, any time over the next year, to anyone who has the Home or Pro versions of Windows 7 or 8 (but not the Enterprise versions used by big organisations). CEO Satya Nadella says he wants to have 1 billion devices running Windows 10 in three years. According to Microsoft, currently there are 1.5 billion people who use some kind of Windows. Instead of charging them to upgrade, as Microsoft used to do, it’s supporting the free download model pioneered by Apple and Google.