“Now the hackers are back at it, despite the fact that the FBI is investigating them, and that some law enforcement officials anonymously said the government is going to “make an example” out of them.” explained Lorenzo Bicchierai on Motherboard. Speaking to Motherboard, one of the members of the group, known as Cracka, acknowledged that they have hacked into an email account belonging to the well known US official, the FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano. The hackers even took to Twitter to boast about the hack. This time the hackers violated a Comcast email account belonging to Giuliano’s wife, and provided a number of screenshots to prove that they were in the account. The hackers refused to divulge any details as to how they got access to the account, but said it was “easy.” However, the screenshots provided were not convincing enough to prove the hack. The hacking news of whether Giuliano’s email account was breached was neither denied or confirmed by the FBI spokesperson. The spokesperson Jillian Stickels in an email said “We do not have anything to say on the matter at this time.” The teenager also said they found Giuliano’s cellphone in the email account’s contact lists and called him. “I called it and asked for Mark and he’s like ‘I don’t know you but you better watch your back’ and then he hung up and I kept calling and he was getting mad then he didn’t pick up,” Cracka told Motherboard via online chat. To verify the number, Motherboard tried calling the number, but received no answer. However, the number’s voicemail indicates that it belongs to a Mark Giuliano. The FBI spokesperson refused to disclose whether the number belonged to him, as she couldn’t “confirm/deny personal information for an FBI employee.” Cracka said that were just trying to revenge, and were not looking to get any information out of this hack. “We didn’t target him for anything interesting, we targeted him because FBI are [sic] investigating us,” he said. When Motherboard asked Cracka if he was worried that Giuliano will come after them, he chucked it. “He already was, now he’s just even more mad,” he said. Motherboard who had the opportunity to view the screenshots shared by the Cracka confirmed that the account does not seem to have any sensitive information, except for the contact list, which may belong to Giuliano’s family members and friends. This is obviously not a highly damaging hack even if it is true. In fact, the hackers are still targeting and trolling the Feds by drawing more attention from them instead of hiding away.