Google has extended its handwriting input tool to Android apps and users with the 4.0.3 version of the Android software and will now be able to put text into any app by writing onto the device screens. Google says the app will support print and cursive, written with or without a stylus. If you draw a smiley face, Handwriting Input will even suggest emojis. The new tool recognizes 82 different languages and 20 distinct scripts and the interesting addition here is that you can also draw emojis, including the ugly pile of poo emoji. A TechCrunch report notes that Google already offered the handwriting recognition tool in the Google Translate app as well as on mobile search, but this is the newest extension to all of Android. – Although with modern touch screen and swipable keyboard text input methods, how useful this handwriting input will prove to be is yet to be discovered. However, Google notes that this feature will be particularly useful for many South Asian languages which have very complex scripts. The new app, which is available on Google Play store, allows both on-device and cloud-based character recognition. The new input method is styled to resemble Google’s other input methods, using the same light grey and teal (or dark blue-grey and teal if you choose the dark theme) colors found in Google’s main Keyboard app. If you’ve been itching to scribble your notes with an official handwriting keyboard from Google, hit the widget below, or head over to APK Mirror.