At the time of writing the Article most of the websites were restored and working back to normal, A paste released by the organisers of the Operation shows a part of damage which was done to the SriLankan cyber space            we hope that this will bring attention of the world on the ongoing Tamil Genocide in SriLanka, and this will teach a lesson to SriLankan Government said one of the Participants. 

 OpSriLanka  Hackers from around the globe launches Cyber war over Sri Lanka  to protest against Tamil Genocide    TechWorm - 17 OpSriLanka  Hackers from around the globe launches Cyber war over Sri Lanka  to protest against Tamil Genocide    TechWorm - 17 OpSriLanka  Hackers from around the globe launches Cyber war over Sri Lanka  to protest against Tamil Genocide    TechWorm - 61 OpSriLanka  Hackers from around the globe launches Cyber war over Sri Lanka  to protest against Tamil Genocide    TechWorm - 39