As Indians are more into the mobile instant messaging App, WhatsApp, it has become the latest go to platform for the users to share Radhika Apte’s intimate selfies apparently taken while having a shower. Radhika Apte is an Indian film and stage actress and Radhika has acted in Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam films. She has also acted for Mohit Takalkar’s theatre troupe Aasakta. She was nominated for SIIMA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her Tamil film Dhoni. Her forthcoming Bollywood film, Badlapur is keenly awaited by fans and critics alike. The actress has not come out with any statement regarding the leaked pictures. With the iCloud Hacks fresh in readers memories, this may be an Indian version of the same where personal intimate images are hacked and leaked online. Most of the images are shower selfies and most likely to be the handiwork of some hacker, who hacked these images from her phone and circulated it on the internet.  Though this is just a conjecture on our part at this time as the images may be morphed. Here is a small snippet from her forthcoming film Badlapur for our readers.