The photo was of a strange man whom she had never seen in her life and it was as selfie taken on a famous beach at Byron Bay where she had lost her bag and iPhone. Shelton’s immediate reaction was an assumption that this person is a thief who has stolen her iPhone. And in the same shock she re-posted the strange selfie on her Facebook wall with caption : “So this is the low life that stole my bag/iPhone and has decided to take a photo with my phone and post it on my Facebook!! Scum! Bag stolen in Byron bay on February 14, please share to everyone!!!” This was a call sent to the public to share the post so as to track the stranger. However, Shelton was surprised to see that the post was shared by 20,000 people and it was viral. In the meanwhile, the man in the photo too must have seen the caption and he emailed Nicola Shelton apologizing for the inconvenience and also informed her that he did not steal her phone. On the contrary he had purchased it from someone and he also told her that he would deposit the phone to Byron Bay police. The iPhone now has been handed over to Nicola Shelton by the Byron Bay police.  Shelton said to Daily Mail, Australia :  “I’m just amazed by the help from people I don’t even know. I’m happy to get my phone back.” One major thing to be noticed was that Nicola Shelton’s lost phone was still linked to her Facebook account which proved beneficial for her. A social networking site can help someone recover their much cherished iPhone too, amazing isn’t it?