To cash on this craze, even the mobile manufacturers have started creating smartphones with high resolution front cameras to extra wide apertures, and even wider angles to allow more of the background or people into the frame. A Swedish design firm has recently announced a smartphone camera attachment called the ViW to take advantage of this craze. The device is a small and thin device that clips on gadget that can attach itself to your smartphone’s camera. It is somewhat similar to the clip-on camera external lenses that have been popular in the past amongst those who love mobile photography. However, in the case of ViW, it increases the field of view of your smartphone’s camera and provides better clarity. It also has an built-in lighting panel that allows proper illumination even when the lighting is too dim and dark. This product is marketed at video bloggers, who very often use their phone to create your video blogs. Also, this product is targeted at selfie enthusiasts. According to its creators, the device comes with a powerful battery than can make the ViW easily last for 4 hours on a single charge. The product has been listed on Kickstarter and it is has already achieved its funding target. The manufacturers are positive about the launch and the ViW will go on sale from 25th August.