The effect is an intricate environment with different operating and devices systems, which IT departments have to control, secure and make compliant. While doing so, they wish to provide access to business resources for employees on those devices, wherever they’re positioned, to boost efficiency.

Answering Tough Questions About Enterprise Mobility

In the event that you would like to provide access to corporate resources, internal files, confidential data, corporate mail or internal apps to an extensive range of devices, should not you first secure those devices and ensure the compliance of theirs with corporate policies before allowing access? Would you impose similar security policies and restrictions on devices owned by the corporation as on individual devices? How about location tracking? Would you track employees on the personal devices of theirs or simply on corporate-owned devices? Can there be any law in put that applies to this kind of tracking? If one of these devices is stolen, wouldn’t it be a smart idea to remove corporate data?

Answering Tough Questions About Enterprise MobilityEnabling Enterprise Mobility in Retail

These’re the often tough questions which need to be discussed between many different departments and stakeholders within a business. When you’ve answered these questions, defined the security policies of yours and identified corporate resources to which you wish to provide access from outside of the network of yours, you are going to need a solution to enable you to use those EMM rules.

Enabling Enterprise Mobility in Retail

With a solution as IBM MaaS360, you are going to be ready to brand the environment of yours as well as customize the user experience. In the event that you would like to isolate the business side from the private aspect of the device and stay away from data leakage, you are able to leverage container technology. The security department of yours might be concerned about threats. MaaS360 and its integrated mobile threat prevention solution can be enabled right out of the box. With Trusteer integration, the environment of yours is going to become much more secure instantly. IT asset management will be glad to hear that mobile device management tools can report a complete hardware inventory software of the mobile environment. IT experts are going to gain control of devices and get quick action to remove business data from a stolen device, send out a message to a user, deploy an app and more.